Justin Bieber - Osexig?!
Justin Bieber ligger på 100:ade platsen på The Boston Phoenix listan av "årets osexigaste män". Hm, då undrar vi...VAD FAN GÖR BIEBER PÅ DEN LISTAN?!
Såhär skriver dom:
"REASON(S) HE’S ON THE LIST There is nothing sexy about 16 year old boys. Say it with us, frustrated soccer moms of America: unless you’re a Catholic priest, there is nothing sexy about 16 year old boys. Holler at us, Island Records marketing department: if you’re over 18 and fantasizing about Justin Bieber even a little bit, you’re just as bad as those homely New England boarding-school teachers who always seem to end up riding the pimple-popper express. And that shit is illegal. Twenty-something mall skanks: it is not cute to Twitter that you’re “looking forward to tapping that.” Even if that 16-year-old boy looks like Taylor Swift’s little sister, has a pimp named Usher, and a manager named Scooter, that doesn’t make it okay to store shirtless jpegs of the boy in a hidden folder in your PC’s trash bin. No, no, no: you’re fucked up, America.
LOOKS LIKE What did we just say? Don’t look. Just don’t even fucking look."
HÅLLER NI MED? INTE? Klicka isf på bilden nedan och rösta som "sexig" på Justin så kanske han tar sig ur den där listan? :s
