Justins keps stulen

Tween idol Justin Bieber's hat was stolen and his mother knocked over when screaming fans welcomed him at Auckland International Airport last night.

The 16-year-old Canadian singer was greeted by about 500 Kiwi fans - most of them young girls - as he came through the arrival gates.

Writing on his twitter page, Bieber said: "I'm in New Zealand! They got no predators in the whole country! I am the most dangerous creature here!"

He told fans that he wanted to sign autographs and have pictures taken but security shut the opportunity down because fans were pushing.

Justin wrote on his twitter:
"Finally got to New Zealand last night. The airport was crazy. Not happy that someone stole my hat and knocked down my mama. Come on people"



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Här kan du läsa om allt från hans succé inom musikvärlden till var han har köpt sina skor!
Vi som driver bloggen heter Jasmine och Lina och vi båda är 15 år unga :)
Om du har något önskemål, någon fråga eller kanske vill göra ett länkbyte - maila då: [email protected]!
Take care goregous, /J.B.F


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